"Our Pagan community is growing and showing much bright promise. The Craft is a tough weed that will grow many strange flowers and bear strange fruits, so we must try and tolerate different ways of practicing it. Learn from what we see and if we cannot use it, let the others try, even if they eat bad fruit and go balls up!"
—Victor Anderson,
Green Egg, Vol. XXVI, No. 100, Spring 1993
This is our complete list of Feri/Faery teachers who wish to be listed publicly. We do not have contact information for Feri teachers beyond this list. As newer teachers make themselves known they will be listed here. Being listed here is in not an endorsement of a teacher's practices. Use your own better judgment when choosing a teacher.
Updated February 12, 2021
Anaar (San Diego, CA) Long-time student and initiate of the Andersons, also had some early training with Bloodrose. Named Feri Grandmaster by Cora Anderson in 2003. Artist and owner of Tombo Studio. Emphasis on the creative arts as a gateway to Feri.
Anne-Marie —_Bríghde Éire (Buckinghamshire, England) Feri initiate of many years and co-founder of Amhranai-Mati Feri teaching group with Georgia Midnight Crow. We offer a three year intensive curriculum in witchcraft skills core to the Feri Tradition. Teaching style integrates the creative arts, devotional practice, ritual craft and practical magic relevant to every day life. Influences include initiations in other witchcraft traditions, Vipassana meditation, Santeria, Spiritism and Mythic lore. Training format is face-to-face in individual and small groups. We have taught distance and can be offered in a case by case basis. Website: amhranaimati.org email: amhranai.mati@gmail.com
Christopher Angelo (Boston, MA) is a Feri Initiate offering in person training with an emphasis on working with the Pentacles & developing a personal relationship with the Feri Gods & Guardians. He takes a practical and simple approach to embodying his Craft and Magic. Christopher was initiated by Storm Faerywolf and Valerie Walker and his methods and work have been strongly influenced by both BlueRose and Dust Bunny lineages and methodologies.
Karina_BlackHeart (Northeast; Long Distance and Travel) Black Heart line. Feri Initiate offering early training in person or over distance. Advanced training in person. Available for workhops and intensives. Strong emphasis on the ecstatic embodiment of Feri lore and practice.
Chas_Bogan (Walnut Creek, CA; and Long Distance) Co-creator of FeriTrad.org, artist and craftsman for Carnivalia, and with his partners Storm Faerywolf, Devin Hunter, and Mat Auryn, run the online store Datura Trading Co. His creativity was born from his work in Feri, and is a focus of his training. In person and long-distance, he teaches a lineage of Feri that is focused on the individual, accomplishing the Great Work through Feri's eccstatic practices. Chas Bogan teaches material through the BlueRose school.
Amoret BriarRose (Pittsburgh, PA; Long Distance, and Travel) - Initiated in 2012; teaches core Reclaiming classes, offers spiritual mentorship for those interested in Reclaiming Feri. Emphasis on community leadership, ritual arts, personal practice and spiritual training as a personal call to transformation.
Michael Cabrera (Arlington, VA/Washington, DC metro area/Distance Learning) Michael insists that Feri is something to be experienced, practiced, and immersed in, rather than just read about and regurgitated. He believes using artistic expression, literature, journal keeping, dedication and a great deal of critical thinking are important to process the ecstatic Feri experiences and to note the synchronization of the Feri current manifesting in a student’s life. True to his role as a fiction writer, Michael sees the Feri experience as a story full of colorful abstracts, concrete details, poetic challenges and rising (and falling) plot lines. He would ask you: What is your story? What do you want it to be?
His philosophy as a teacher is to allow his students room to confidently feel their conclusions, acting as more of a guide to Feri, offering insights and challenging perspectives. His goal is to help students claim their personal power while fully engaging their Personal Trinity. Apprenticeship is initiation-oriented, however just like going to college does not guarantee a degree, being a Feri student never guarantees initiation.
Michael is an artist, a poet, a writer, and an author of fiction. He was initiated into the Blue Rose line of Feri by his mentor Chas Bogan. He can be reached at blackcatbrujo@gmail.com
Georgia_Midnight_Crow (West Sussex, England) Reclaiming-Feri initiate. Offers a two and a half year intensive training in foundational witchcraft skills core to the Reclaiming and Feri Traditions. Uses the creative arts, devotional practices, and integration of Reclaiming-Feri spiritual/magical lore. Teach in a class structure and one on one.
Dust Bunnies Coven (San Francisco, CA) We are a San Francisco-based coven practicing in the Anderson Feri tradition. We were founded by Valerie Walker aka VeeDub, now one of the Mighty Dead of the Craft. For more information go to dustbunniesagogo.weebly.com
Dominic Elemirion (Albany, CA) Feri initiate teaching in person classes.
Storm_Faerywolf (San Francisco Bay Area; Long Distance, and Travel) Trained and initiated into the BloodRose line, he continued his studies with several other branches of Faery and incorporates their unique expressions into BlueRose, his own school and lineage of the tradition. He holds the Black Wand of the Master and is the co-creator of FeriTrad.org. Classes focus on personal alignment and utilize ecstatic practice, practical sorcery, traditional lore, spirit contacts, visionary work, artistic expression, folkloric faery practices, divine possession, and queer mysteries. Group classes are in-person. Long distance and in-person apprenticeship classes are one-on-one private sessions tailored to the individual. Training is intended toward initiation but is not guaranteed. Prerequisite: Black Rose Witchcraft.
Margit (Southwest Germany) She was initiated by Karina BlackHeart. Her teachings have a strong emphasis on self-possession and developing personal connection to Feri practice. She works with ancestors and spirits of the land of her native Alemanic region, she is a Bone Reader and Firewalk Instructor. Email her at margit@yo-sono.de to see if training with her is for you.
Mikey (London, England) Queer Feri Witch who weaves together core Feri practices, artistic expression, practical sorcery, devotional ritual, and magical practice. He offers face-to-face training in individual and small group format, inspired by Joseph Campbell’s “The Hero’s Journey”. Influences also include Buddhism, Santeria, Spiritism, Qabalah, and Tarot. Email: feriwitch86@gmail.com
Rising Moon (Northern Italy) Trained and initiated in the BlueRose line of Feri by Storm Faerywolf, her interests include native and pre-civilized spiritual traditions.
She offers teaching by e-mail, Skype and whenever possible in-person.
Methods and Work are basically BlueRose, with an emphasis on artistic expression, dreams, and Land Work.
She can be contacted at her e-mail address: giovannarodda.3@gmail.com or by applying for membership at her group The Feri/Faery Cauldron on Facebook.
Deborah_Oak (SF, CA) Teaches core classes in Reclaiming tradition magic, takes on individual Reclaming Feri students, does workshops in the integration of the traditions; Reclaming Feri. Her blog can be found at: branchesup.blogspot.com
Mari_Powers (South Central, WI; In-person when possible again and Distance) I teach Feri, and live in South Central WI. I learned FireDrake Feri informed by Vanthi. Today I teach sparingly by phone and email, and I am learning Zoom. I also need to be able to meet students, so we can meet and circle together, face to face. I only teach Feri to students who can establish basic Craft skills. If you are interested in learning from me, please email me at maripowers.com@gmail.com and we will see if we are a fit. I do charge formal teaching sessions, yet not for personal check-ins, handouts, assignments, tips, tricks articles, and materials recommendations."
StarChild (San Diego, CA) "I have studied with Dominic for 9 years, and was initiated in 2003. I teach as it was taught to me. To which I have added my own splash of queer shamanism, guidance from personal spirits, divine intervention, and Zen influences."
Kathryn_Tinuviel (San Diego, CA) Was brought before the gods of Feri after 9 years of study and practice with Dominic Elemirion. Classes will lead you deep into yourself where you will discover the darkness filled with a million stars.
Valerie_Voigt (Palo Alto, CA) Studied with Victor and Gabriel; Works in formal ritual style derivative of Bloodrose. Emphasis on scholarship, discipline, and practice; and, like Vanthi line, incorporates techniques from Julie Tower. Regards Feri as Witchcraft, but not Wicca. |